Suspended matter (urbidity ) - 2000 - silt , clay , organic matter , entrain air , decrease setting times 400 ppm for
Algae- 500-1000 - Entrain air
Carbonates -1000 - Decrease setting times
Bicarbonates - 400-1000 - 400 ppm for bicarbonates of ca, MG
Sodium sulphate - 10000 - may increase early strength , but reduce later strength
Magnesium sulphate - 40000 strength , but reduce later strength
sodium chloride - 20000 0 decrease setting times
Calcium chloride - 50000 - Increase early
Magnesium chloride - 40000 - strength reduce , ultimate strength
Iron salt -40000 - retard set
phosphates arsenates , borates - 500 - retard set
salts of Zn , Cu , Pb , Mn , Sa -500 - retard set
Inorganic acids - 10000 , ph not less than 3.0
sodium hydroxide - 500 -
spdium sulphate -100- should stest concrete affect setting behavior
sugar - 500 - ,,