Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Envelope Composition

1.Wall forms
* Provide sufficient windows & doors in north
- South direction that will readily allow the passage of external air to flow through the building .
( open area to be between 40-80% of the vertical envelope. )
* use shading device to minimise admission of direct heat through envelope openings .

- Blinds or louvers.
- Overhangs or awnings .

Louvered slats (e.g. Venetian blinds )  Roof overhang

2. Wall materials .
* Use materials with low thermal capacities to minimise heat storage
* Employ light coloured finishes for exterior surfaces .
* Use windows that are operable ( can be controlled ) to allow natural ventilation during hot weather .

3. Roof forms
* Slope the roof to provide adequate run-off for heavy rains .
* Provide extensive overhangs to protect the buiilding from rain & to shade the building interior .

A very well developed sloping roof . Note wall is well set back from roof .

* use double skin or cavity roof structures to reduce solar heat penetration .
* Employ stack ventilation to promote air movement through building spaces .

(stack ventilation employed to bring outside coller air into building )
( upper wall openings enhances stack ventilation of a building interior )

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