Monday, September 27, 2010

Review : Steps for program development include :

1. Understand the problem
2.Develop a solution
a) Design the program : structure chart
b)Design the algorithms : flowchart or pseudocode
3. Write the program
4. Test the program

Example 1.2
-Problem : calculate the sum of two numbers
a)Design the solution using a structure chart
b)Normally , each module in the structure chart would have its own pseudocode . However , as this is your first attempt and this is a pretty easy problem , write the pseudocode to solve this entire problem .
C) Draw the flowchart to represent the program logic for this problem .
-HInt : the general algorithm for a programming problem is normally :
1. Get the data
2. Perform the computations
3. Display the result

Sum two number consist of three , that is get user input , calculate sum , and display sum

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