Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shapes and texture


  • Rounded ( about 35% vold)
  1. Less specific surface area
  2. Weaker bond
  3. Better workability
  4. Does not give high strength concrete
  • Irregular
  1. High surface area
  2. Good bond
  3. Low workability
  4. Does not give high strength concrete

Shapes and texture affect the strength and workability of concrete

  • Angular ( about 40 percent vold )
  1. Provide highest specific surface area
  2. Provide better bonding therefore better strength of concrete
  3. Lower workability
  • Flat , Elongated or flaky
  1. Obkectionable
  2. Weaker bond
  3. Lower workability
  4. Does not give high strength concrete
  5. % of elongated and flaky of aggregates should not more than 10-15 percent

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